Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave and NVIS Day 22 (Radio KD8TTE Ep 058)
HF radio can be used to establish highly reliable and resilient short-distance radio communication services, very useful for emergency and post-disaster operations. Here we discuss the technique of sending the signal nearly straight up to have the ionosphere reflect it straight back: Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation. We show how NVIS works, look at some past NVIS activity, and show how to use the technique in preparation for the April 23, 2022 "NVIS Day" exercise in Ohio.

The event page had a small error in the exchange: Expect to trade COUNTY of operation, not six-digit grid. Thanks to a sharp-eyed viewer for catching the misdirection.

ARRL Ohio Section: https://www.arrl-ohio.org/
Official Ohio NVIS Day Information: https://www.arrl-ohio.org/SEC
Earth Images: Google Earth https://earth.google.com/
Tamitha Skov Space Weather: https://www.spaceweatherwoman.com/
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Space Weather Services Global HF Ionospheric Map: https://www.sws.bom.gov.au/HF_Systems/6/5
BLACK SWAN 22 NVIS Day: https://www.blackswancomex.org/2022/nvis-day-22
Jamie Clifton AD8EC (ex-KE8JLG). "It's Not Supposed to Work Like That." DELARA Newsletter. May 2019. http://www.k8es.org/archives/2019_May/jamie%20clifton.htm
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

00:00 Introduction
00:46 NVIS Day Operating Event
02:43 This Fun Event Is Serious Training
03:03 Emergency Communication Scenario
03:26 Meeting the Ionosphere
05:06 Putting the Ionosphere to Work
09:00 Developing Awareness and Finding the Right Frequency
10:27 Configuring Your Antenna
10:51 NVIS Day 22
11:53 Learning from Assessment of Station Performance (Looking Back at NVIS Day 19)
16:05 Important Lessons for Emergency Communicators from NVIS Day
17:20 Thanks

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