Edfel Jose RIvera by Edfel Jose RIvera, 11 months ago
V/UHF Winlink on Packet & Vara FM using sound cards- 01/11/2024

Speaker/Presenter: Scott Currie NS7C
Documents (including slideshow): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/r4of5j07bdip2fk8c2fi8/h?rlkey=8crp85x1q85r8lryrsfd1ij4h&dl=0

Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee (RATPAC) comprises Amateur Radio Operators of a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Together, we host nationwide Amateur Radio Zoom presentations twice a week, Wednesdays on general radio topics and Thursdays on amateur radio emergency communications.

Our Website- https://www.ratpac.us
List of upcoming & previous sessions- http://tiny.cc/ratpac-list
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/ratapacfb
Twitter- https://twitter.com/RatpacP

The topics are selected from audience recommendations and the planning committee then seeks topic experts or discussion panel members. The presentation audience consists of thousands of amateur radio operators worldwide who participate directly in the Zoom sessions or with video links of the presentation and related documentation sent out after each session. Please complete the form on our web page to suggest a topic or speaker for future sessions.

Join one or more of our Groups.io to receive notifications and participate in related discussions:
Wed & Thur live ZOOM Link- http://www.ratpac.us/zoom
RATPAC - https://groups.io/g/RATPAC
NewHams - https://groups.io/g/NewHams
EMCOMM - https://sec-emcomm.groups.io/g/main
Please be sure to include your name and call sign when registering

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QTH Cayey PR (altitud 436 m)

Prof. Edfel José Rivera, Desarrollador y Webmaster

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RF 6-80M (Yaesu FTDX10)


MatterMost - Team Management Software

RF 2M, 70cm (ICOM 9700)

EC-001 – Introduction to Emergency Comunication, y múltiples certificados FEMA y talleres EMCOMM.

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D-Rats repeater (Raspberry PI 4)

Amplia experiencia administrativa. Desplegado para apoyo EMCOMM durante Huracán María.

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P.O. Box 372135

Cayey, PR 00737

Introducción tecnologias MatterMost, TeamTalk, D-Rats en Puerto Rico.

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Copyright © 2023 emcommpr.com – Prof. Edfel José Rivera