Ruggedized Ham Radio Gear for Field Expedient Comms
In this video, I'll share with you my ruggedized digital data mode communications setup for VHF and UHF. Amateur radio gear is not terribly rugged, so we'll integrate it with a few other pieces of gear to make it more robust.

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* Yaesu VX-6R - https://amzn.to/44CkjIk
* DigiRig Mobile - https://amzn.to/3EijSYE
* DigiRig cable for VX-6R - https://amzn.to/45rEx8R
* USB C-to-A cable - https://amzn.to/3OTz2bU
* USB A dust cover - https://amzn.to/3PgNvjs
* Assorted Computer Dust Covers - https://amzn.to/3OY3jpM
* Male SMA to BNC adapter - https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-009346
* 2m Slim Duck Smiley Antenna - https://www.smileyantenna.com/product-p/14630.htm
* Ed Fong Roll-up J-Pole - https://grapevineamateurradio.com/collections/radio-gear/products/ed-fong-j-pole-antennas-dual-band-220-and-roll-up
* Panasonic FZ-M1 Toughpad - https://amzn.to/3YWFp2w
* iKey Keyboard - https://www.ikey.com/product/ik-pan-fzm1-co1/
* Haley Strategic D3CRM - https://haleystrategic.com/shop/soft-goods/chestrigs/d3crm-micro
* High Speed Gear TACO - https://www.highspeedgear.com/17dd00-19dd10

0:00 Introduction
0:32 Field Test
3:45 Operating Objectives
4:30 Securing the Gear
6:20 Ruggedizing the Gear
8:12 Why the DigiRig Mobile
10:14 High Speed Gear TACO
10:52 The Radio
13:15 The Chest Rig
15:51 Closing Thoughts

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#thetechprepper #hamradio #prepper #tactical #gear

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