Edfel Jose RIvera by Edfel Jose RIvera, 12 months ago
Data Points on the NanoVNA SAA-2N
in this video, we take a look at the NanoVNA SAA-2N and how to adjust data or sweep points when analyzing an antenna.

Note: This NanoVNA was sent to me free of shared from AURSINC in exchange for this video review.

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Links to products in the video:
Get your NanoVNA SAA-2N here: https://amz.run/5BuB
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Check out my NanoVNA Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm8ROkpFeqornjIRLKS0RJqSrUl_lr5lv

Check out my HAM Radio, Scanner, Walkie Talkie Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm8ROkpFeqoolh8jN6HRo7xnLC9op6AkM

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