OFF GRID COMMS | Extreme NVIS Antenna Setup

In this video, the plan was to test the extreme NVIS system but this time on digital modes, JS8 and PSK31.

The plan was to reuse an old laptop with JS8CALL and FLDigi software.
Bad idea, the old laptop failed... I couldn't solve the problem on the field, I switched to SSB and made enough contacts all over the EU.

I placed a 40m dipole antenna extremely close to the ground, at only 50cm (19.685 inches).
This gave me exactly what my goal was, NVIS communication within a few hundred km.

We always have to have more options, if one fails, the other has to work.
This is the best way to learn, in the field in real situations.

Radio gear I used on this trip:

Yaesu FT-891
Yaesu SCU-17
Dipole antenna 50cm a/g
Messi & Paoloni coax cable
12V 7.2Ah battery
Small solar panel
Old Toshiba laptop for JS8CALL i FLDigi

Thanks for watching!

#HamRadio #nvis #emcomm

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